Another Family Steps Up – D.J. Wolanski RIP

Another family has stepped up to acknowledge in an obituary that a child has died of a heroin overdose.4318752_300x300_1

Daniel Joseph “DJ” Wolanski, of Mahoning County in Ohio, died April 20. Read his obituary.

It must be so difficult for this family to come forward and say this publicly. But this scourge has spread because so many people before them have kept quiet, allowing the rest of us to imagine that the problem really isn’t as bad as it has become.

So it’s important to acknowledge the courage of those who do step up, speak publicly.

The obituary reads….

“Over the course of DJ’s life, he made many bad decisions including experimenting with drugs. Unfortunately, his five year addiction and battle with heroin took over. His family and friends truly loved him and tried everything from being supportive to tough love as he struggled with his own inner demons and heroin. …

“DJ often talked about the growing number of friends that he had lost to this destructive drug and how it destroyed families. They used to say it takes a community to raise a child. Today, we need to say that it takes a community to battle addiction. Someone you know is battling addiction; if your “gut instinct” says something is wrong, it most likely is. Get involved. Do everything within your power to provide help. Don’t believe the logical sounding reasons of where their money is going or why they act so different. Don’t believe them when they say they’re clean.”

Profound words – the way to attack a drug that turns every addict into a silo, a loner wrapped in a cocoon – is through community.


Filed under Books, Drugs, The Heroin Heartland, Uncategorized

4 Responses to Another Family Steps Up – D.J. Wolanski RIP

  1. Pingback: Hillary Clinton, Heroin, and the Time to be Heard - True Tales: a Reporter's Blog

  2. Pingback: HIllary Clinton, heroin, and time to be heard - True Tales: a Reporter's Blog

  3. Teresa

    I lost my beautiful 27 years old son to heroin 10 years ago, today he would have turn 38, there isn’t a day that he is not in my mind and missed with all my heart, he was sober for 3 years, he was at the top of the world he relapsed and it was over… I was fortunate to see him sober and achieve his dreams… I thought he was happy too, but the daemons from this drug robbed his life and mine… My deepest condolences to the parents of this young man for this is a road I wish no parent should be on…

  4. Cindy

    I also have a daughter battling the same problem! It came to a head recently when i finally confronted her and saw the marks on her arms. I told her that i was NOT going to be a part of her life until she got help. It will be a lonnng process but she is in treatment..its scarey for her and me but i feel she is taking the right steps. I pray daily… its all we have to count on.

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